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Global 24/7 Appointment Booking System

If you require extensive customization or are a large business and would like your own URL for booking appointments on your site we now offer our full code you can purchase.

Our expert programmers can install Timely booking on your server and you will have full rights to use the reservation system as your own.

Benefits of this are:

  • No monthly payments for using our calendar.
  • Use your own url. Example: https://yoursitehere/booking (No Timely booking)
  • Customize the calendar with graphics/layout to your requirements.
  • Full control over your web traffic and analytics.
  • Multiple calendars for specific topics and can be interlinked.
  • Purchase a reservation calendar that has a proven track record since 2009.
  • 100% clean php code without errors.

Please contact us for pricing or other additional questions on implementing this code in your site.

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